Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Геохимические особенности подземных родниковых вод Томского района 1229 1419 235
Isolation, characterization, and metal response of novel, acid-tolerant Penicillium spp. from extremely metal-rich waters at a mining site in Transbaikal (Siberia, Russia) 1058 1039 3
A metagenomic window into the 2-km-deep terrestrial subsurface aquifer revealed multiple pathways of organic matter decomposition 2543 2458 4
Modelling of the dissolution and reprecipitation of uranium under oxidising conditions in the zone of shallow groundwater circulation 905 892 5
Firmicutes is an important component of microbial communities in water-injected and pristine oil reservoirs, Western Siberia, Russia 1642 1620 6
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Banks, David

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Banks, David

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